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New Indian study reveals that 4 cups of coffee daily are deadly for your heart

Coffee is not the saviour you make it to be, sure it’s the right boost to start your day but it has several downsides. As a coffee enthusiast, you may shrug, who cares if an extra cup of coffee makes you more productive for the day? It’s almost a lazy addition, that you consciously pamper. Your heart, on the other hand, begs to differ. High coffee consumption puts your heart health at risk.
An Indian research study from Zydus Medical College and Hospital illuminated the ugly truth about caffeine consumption. The daily consumption of more than 400 mg of caffeine, which is almost four cups of coffee or two energy drinks, poses increased risks of developing severe cardiovascular problems later on. It includes other caffeinated products, like soda and energy drinks.
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Coffee disrupts the body’s parasympathetic system, responsible primarily for the body’s natural way of relaxing and recovering. It calms down the heart rate and slows down breathing. However, as coffee is a stimulant, it interrupts the parasympathetic system and increases heart rate, and adrenaline levels to be more alert and productive with high energy.
The constant disruption can lead to hypertension (high blood pressure) and other cardiovascular ailments. High pressure is a silent menace and does not show any obvious symptoms. But it slowly lures dangerous ailments like coronary artery disease, heart failure, chronic kidney disease, and dementia.
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Women, city dwellers, and busy working professionals in business and management are more susceptible to excessive coffee consumption. Challenging jobs with long working hours, stressful workplaces, and a hectic, fast-paced lifestyle, combined with the ubiquitous availability of coffee in countless city cafés or office coffee machines, often lead individuals to reach for another cup, whether involuntarily or deliberately. The caffeine effects become stronger when consumed over 600 mg of coffee. The researchers urged for increased awareness of the matter.
Don’t give up on your favourite coffee yet. Moderately consume coffee every day. Moderation is the golden rule. First, check your coffee consumption and if it’s beyond the 400 mg limit, gradually cut back with herbal teas or decaf options. Stay hydrated throughout the day to counter the coffee cravings. Adequate sleep is required to rest well and prevent the dependence on coffee. Consuming mindfully saves you from future troubles.
ALSO READ: Functional coffee: Beyond the trend, health benefits and wellness
